A downloadable game for Android

The game mainly uses this asset:
Created by by YanYum, Lyaa, MaochiiZ and Janice.

The main premise of Zombie Zappers is for the player to guide the boy character (represented by toys) back to his house. The story behind the game is that the boy is having a nightmare, and in his dream, he as a toy is being chased by a zombie. In order to save himself, the boy has to avoid the zombie and run to the dollhouse to hide from it.

These game uses gyroscope. Make sure your device has it. Use your mobile to move the player.

The gyroscope may not work properly for each device.

Updated 6 days ago
Published 8 days ago
AuthorsYanYum, MaochiiZ, Lyaa
Made withUnity
Tags3D, Cute, gyroscope, Singleplayer
Average sessionAbout a half-hour


Zombie Zappers APK.apk 64 MB

Install instructions

The game uses Gyroscope. Please make sure your device has it.

Download the APK file first to install the game.

To install the game, there usually a warning appear to scan the app. If any warnings appear, please ignore and continue installing the game. We are not uploading any malware into your device.

After the game install the app, the game will appear on your device.

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